
Prerequisites on running the program include MG5_aMC@NLO and possibly LHAPDF6 library for invoking fragmentation functions therein.

The recommended version of MG5_aMC@NLO is 3.4.0 which has been tested thoroughly.

The package FastJet  is also required which can be installed within MG5_aMC@NLO.

The paths to MG5_aMC@NLO and LHAPDF6 can be set separately at the top of Makefile under the main directory FMNLOv1.0 and of mgen.sh under directory mgen.

The HOPPET v1.2.1-devel program has been modified and integrated into the source file. Users should cite original works of those external programs properly together with this publication.

One can simply run make under the main directory to compile all ingredients.

Note that in order to retain full quark-flavor information in MG5_aMC@NLO, one has to modify madgraph/core/helas_objects.py in the native MG directory to disable group of identical processes. That can be achieved by simply replace True with False at the 3486-th line of the file. We mentioned earlier that the FKS subtractions have not been implemented for NLO calculations of DIS processes in MG5_aMC@NLO. However, we are working toward an alternative solution that will come with the next release of FMNLO.

To calculate the parton fragmentation in a typical hard scattering process, two subsequent steps are followed.

First, inside the directory mgen one invokes MG5_aMC@NLO with a customized analysis routine (a module) to generate the interpolation tables storing matrices of coefficient functions. We have released modules for all processes included in this study. New modules can be added easily following existing examples.

In mgen, the subdirectory common contains the common ingredients needed for all modules. Each module has a separate directory including init.sh for MG5_aMC@NLO command, pre_cuts.f for the selection of relevant phase space, and analysis_HwU_pp.f containing the main analysis routine.

Various input parameters are specified in the file proc.run. Each line contains a record for one input variable: a character tag with the name of the variable, followed by the variable’s value. We take proc.run used for the calculation of CMS isolated-photon-tagged jet measurement as an example.

# main input for generation of NLO fragmentation grid file by MG5
process A180104895
# subgrids with name tags
grid pp
obs 4
cut 0.02
pta1 60.0
pta2 10000.0
ptj1 30.0
ptj2 10000.0
# in MG5 format
set lpp1 1
set lpp2 1
set ebeam1 2510.0
set ebeam2 2510.0
set lhaid 13100
set iseed 11
set muR_over_ref 1.0
set muF_over_ref 1.0

The generation of fragmentation grid can be launched by the command ./mgen.sh proc.run. Note that for the same process, generation of multiple grids can be grouped into a single input file by simply repeating the two blocks after the process line. Once the generation of grid is finished, it will be stored in an upper-level directory grid, for instance with a name A180104895_pp.fmg for above example.

After generation of the grid, the calculation of physical distributions can be done within seconds by running ./fmnlo in the directory data. Input parameters at this stage are specified in the file input.card.

 1  #  loop for D fun (1/2 -> LO/NLO) | evo for D fun (0/1 -> internal/hoppet)
 2  #  followed by >=1/0 -> internal/LHAPDF | FFID | FFmember
 3  2       0
 4  0       NNFF11_HadronSum_nlo            0
 5  #  normalization | grid file | binnig file
 6  #  0/1/2 -> absolute dis./normalized to corresponding order/leading order
 7  #  can include multiple entries in several lines
 8  1 "../grid/A180104895_pp.fmg" "../grid/1801-04895.Bin"
0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5
the first line specifies the total number of kinematic bins and the
second line contains all nodes of the bins in sequence.

Once ./fmnlo is executed, the format of the printout can be understood easily

ID(1/x dx/dkv)     zd     zu    LO*{1,0.5,2}   NLO*{1,0.5,2}  NLO/LO
1   5.00000E-01   1.00000E+00   2.45041E-01 ..  2.61256E-01 ..  1.066 ..
2   1.00000E+00   1.50000E+00   6.69355E-01 ..  7.61367E-01 ..  1.137 ..
3   1.50000E+00   2.00000E+00   1.33705E+00 ..  1.61524E+00 ..  1.208 ..
4   2.00000E+00   2.50000E+00   2.12904E+00 ..  2.51633E+00 ..  1.182 ..
5   2.50000E+00   3.00000E+00   2.93954E+00 ..  3.23861E+00 ..  1.102 ..
6   3.00000E+00   3.50000E+00   3.65409E+00 ..  3.60505E+00 ..  0.987 ..
7   3.50000E+00   4.00000E+00   4.21952E+00 ..  3.12574E+00 ..  0.741 ..
8   4.00000E+00   4.50000E+00   2.98053E+00 ..  1.44477E+00 ..  0.485 ..

which contains the distribution at LO and NLO for three choices of the fragmentation scale $\mu_D=\{1,1/2,2\}\mu_{D,0}$ and the ratio of NLO to LO predictions for all kinematic bins specified.